"Here's Really Where Zika Mosquitoes Are Likely In The U.S." [1]
A new map from the Centers for Disease Control pictures a more limited extent in the U.S. for the Aedes aegypti mosquitos thought to be the main culprit in spreading the Zika virus. Still, it highlights some surprising areas of risk -- like Washington, DC.
"A few months ago, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention published a startling map that showed the parts of the U.S. that could harbor mosquitoes capable of carrying Zika. ...
The map made it look like a vast swath of the country was at risk for Zika, including New England and the Upper Midwest.
Well, not quite.
On Thursday, CDC scientists published another mosquito map for the U.S. And it paints a very different picture."
Michaeleen Doucleff reports for NPR June 13, 2016. [2]