Several key issues have emerged as pivotal in ongoing efforts to reform the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). Progress on these complex issues is central to the success of TSCA reform. To foster further discussion of these critical topics, ELI is convening a series of issue-specific lunchtime teleconferences during the summer and fall of 2011 that will provide a forum for focused dialogue among key players.
Session #6 - Risk Management
This panel, [1] 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM, will examine reform of EPA authorities to control the sale, distribution, releases and use of chemicals. Topics to be addressed include: standard of proof; the role of cost/benefit analysis; private firm obligations; approaches to new technologies such as nanotech; and role of downstream users of chemicals.
- Linda Breggin, Senior Attorney and Director, Nanotechnology Program, Environmental Law Institute (moderator)
- Thomas Cluderay, Assistant General Counsel, Environmental Working Group
- Bill Rawson, Partner, Latham & Watkins LLP
- Ernie Rosenberg, President & CEO, American Cleaning Institute
To reserve, email mcmurrin@eli.org [2] by Friday, November 23. This webinar is open to the public but you must rsvp and include the caller's name and email address. Teleconference/webinar information will be emailed one business day prior to the event.