Are you in need of financial support to participate in ScienceWriters2024 [1] either in person or virtually? Apply for a grant of up to $1,200 to increase bandwidth, offset travel costs, purchase a headset or other equipment, and/or assist with caregiving costs (including, but not limited to, childcare and elder care). Awardees will also receive complimentary meeting registration. As part of the grant, awardees will be asked to submit a short write-up of a conference session, take event photos, or post to social media.
These National Association of Science Writers (NASW) grants will reimburse up to $1,200 in expenses for in-person attendees and up to $200 in other expenses for virtual attendees. Awardees will also receive complimentary meeting registration. You may apply before you have made a final decision about in-person vs. virtual attendance. International applicants are welcomed; those applying for travel assistance should already have permission to travel to the US (e.g. an existing visa). You do not need to be a member to apply. Non-member awardees who are eligible for student or regular membership will receive a complimentary membership.
Deadline: Tuesday, September 10 for ScienceWriters2024, November 8-11, Raleigh, N.C.