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"North America's Most Brilliant Songbird Begins to Recover"

"With its gleaming red, blue and green feathers, the painted bunting is often described as the most beautiful migratory songbird in North America. After a 30 year decline and extirpation from parts of its U.S. range, the species appears to be recovering."

Source: ENS, 11/20/2009

"Population Control for Cormorants"

"The pesticide DDT almost wiped out the double-crested cormorant. Now, the bird is thriving, and it's blamed for devouring fish in lakes, rivers, and fish farms in many parts of the country. Karen Kelly reports on the struggle to share resources with this unpopular bird" -- on The Environment Report August 25, 2009.
Source: Environment Report, 08/26/2009

"Japan's Creeping Natural Disaster"

"Age-old farming methods helped to cultivate this country's wealth of plant and animal species. But now, as rural areas empty of people, that rich biodiversity is put at risk."
Source: Japan Times, 08/24/2009

"On Wood, Burning Questions"

Wood has been hailed as a renewable fuel and is being used in New England power plants. But it is not undergoing some serious scrutiny of its environmental consequences.
Source: Boston Globe, 07/27/2009

"Defending Fall Creek"

Lawsuits and tree-sits are among the tactics that activists in the Eugene, Oregon, area are using to resist clearcutting of a patch of ancient forest under the BLM's Western Oregon Plan Revisions.
Source: Eugene Weekly, 06/12/2009

"Black Tide"

"Just days before Christmas last year, an environmental disaster one hundred times the size of the Exxon Valdez (yes, you read that right) unfolded on a riverbank in eastern Tennessee. A wave of poisonous sludge buried a town…along with the myth of clean coal."
Source: GQ, 06/04/2009

9 More Bird Species Red-Listed

"Nine more bird species have been added this year to the list of Critically Endangered birds that face an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild...."
Source: ENS, 05/15/2009
