Trump to Revoke Calif. Authority to Set Stricter Auto Emissions Rules

"WASHINGTON — The Trump administration is expected on Wednesday to formally revoke California’s authority to set auto emissions rules that are stricter than federal standards, taking a major step forward in its wide-ranging attack on government efforts to fight climate change.

The formal abolishment of one of California’s signature environmental policies — tailpipe pollution is the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions in the United States — will be announced Wednesday afternoon at the Washington headquarters of the Environmental Protection Agency, according to two people familiar with the matter. Mr. Trump at the time will be traveling in California, where he is scheduled to attend fund-raisers in Los Angeles and Silicon Valley.

Lawyers said the action takes the administration into uncharted legal territory in its battle with the state, which has vowed to fight the change all the way to the Supreme Court."

Coral Davenport reports for the New York Times September 17, 2019.


"Trump Administration To Revoke California’s Power To Set Stricter Auto Emissions Standards" (Washington Post)

"EPA Set to End California Authority Over Car Emissions" (AP)

Source: NY Times, 09/18/2019