"Bundy Seems To 'Have Gotten Away With' It"

"Life has returned to normal at the Bureau of Land Management's Gold Butte area in southern Nevada. Visitors are car camping, searching for prehistoric rock art and admiring the Mojave Desert's multi-hued landscapes -- and Cliven Bundy continues to graze his cows.

Sunday will mark one year since the BLM and National Park Service began wrangling Bundy's bovines from Gold Butte's expanse of Joshua trees and creosote bushes, where the animals had been grazing illegally for more than two decades.

So far, the folksy rancher has gotten off scot-free after brazenly flouting two federal court orders in 2013 to remove his cattle from federal lands and later mobilizing an armed militia that forced the government to release his cows back onto the lands.

The anniversary has sparked renewed criticism from environmentalists, Democrats and former Interior Department officials, who warned that the government's inaction is emboldening Bundy and his states' rights peers to continue challenging BLM's jurisdiction in the West."

Phil Taylor reports for Greenwire April 3, 2015.


"Cliven Bundy Helps Renew Old Debate, But Will Things Change?" (AP)

Source: Greenwire, 04/06/2015