Water & Oceans

"Taking Down Levees in Louisiana"

"Man made levees line the banks of the Mississippi River and its tributaries. They protect towns and they allow farmers to plow the bottomlands. But levees come at a price: habitat destruction and worse flooding downstream. Now, more people are calling for taking down levees and returning floodplain areas to their natural state."
Source: Environment Report, 08/17/2009

"Obama Admin Breathes New Life Into Long-Delayed Great Lakes Restoration Program"

"EPA is rolling out a new package of restoration programs that could begin shifting the Great Lakes back toward ecological health. The program, known as the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, is backed by a $475 million pledge from the White House and House of Representatives, which approved full funding for the program in June."
Source: Greenwire, 08/14/2009
August 31, 2009

DEADLINE: SEJ Post-Conference Tour / IJNR Lake Country Institute

SEJ Members: Apply by August 31st for an all-expenses-paid fellowship for SEJ's Oct 11-14, 2009, post-conference tour: IJNR's Lake Country Institute!

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