Nuclear Power & Radiation

"A “Critical” Battle Over Uranium Mining In The Grand Canyon Area"

"The Grand Canyon Centennial Protection Act, which passed the House today [Wednesday] by a vote of 236–185, would permanently withdraw more than 1 million acres of public lands surrounding the Grand Canyon from new mining claims."

Source: Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, 10/31/2019

Award-Winner Chronicles Radioactive Risks at Midwest Nuclear Plants

A deeply documented investigation revealed serious problems in Illinois’ aging nuclear power plants, and won reporters Brett Chase and Madison Hopkins an outstanding small market investigative reporting award from the Society of Environmental Journalists last year. Chase spoke with SEJournal Online’s “Inside Story” about the “Power Struggle” project, about lessons learned and advice for other reporters. Read the Q&A.

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Ohio Governor Signs Nuclear and Coal Bailout at Expense of Renewables

"The Ohio legislature passed a measure Tuesday that cuts renewable energy and energy efficiency programs while adding subsidies for nuclear and coal-fired power plants—a policy cocktail that opponents say is backward-looking and harmful to the economy, consumers and the environment."

Source: InsideClimate News, 07/24/2019


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