Laws & Regulations

"Democrats Balk At Trump Plan To Keep Parks Open With Entrance Fees"

"Democrats in Congress are demanding answers about a plan by the Trump administration to use visitor fees toward the operation of popular national parks during the partial government shutdown, claiming that the move could be illegal."

Source: Washington Post, 01/08/2019

Court Orders EPA To Release Wheeler’s Contacts With Outside Groups

"A federal judge has ordered the Environmental Protection Agency to release tens of thousands of emails and other documents involving the agency’s top-level political appointees — including acting chief Andrew Wheeler — in a move activists hope will clarify how industry interests may be influencing their decisions."

Source: Washington Post, 01/08/2019

Lead Poisoning Stunts Cleveland Students’ Learning While Leaders Fail

"In recent years, thousands of children started kindergarten in Cleveland public schools already poisoned by lead, which threatens their chances to achieve and poses steep challenges for the district charged with educating them."

Source: Cleveland Plain Dealer, 01/07/2019

Park Service Takes ‘Extraordinary Step’ Of Dipping Into Entrance Fees

"The National Park Service will take the unprecedented step of tapping entrance fees to pay for expanded operations at its most popular sites, officials said Sunday, as the federal government shutdown threatens to degrade some of the nation’s iconic landmarks."

Source: Washington Post, 01/07/2019


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