Environmental Politics

"Who Needs Lobbyists? See What Big Business Spends To Win American Minds"

"Forget lobbying. When Washington, D.C.’s biggest trade associations want to wield influence, they often put far more of their money into advertising and public relations, according to a new Center for Public Integrity investigation."

Source: Ctr for Public Integrity, 01/16/2015

"Utilities-Backed Dark Money Group Sparking Energy Debate in Michigan"

"Though partisan gridlock is the political buzzword of the day, it's another kind of grid that's making political sparks fly in Michigan. There, two powerful utility companies — Consumers Energy and DTE Energy — control the lion's share of the electric grid and appear to be behind a new advocacy effort that coincides with the start of a new legislative session."

Source: Sunlight Foundation, 01/16/2015

"U.S. Senate Proposal May Leave Canada With a Pyrrhic Victory On Keystone XL"

"Canada’s Natural Resources Minster Greg Rickford was on Capitol Hill again Tuesday pitching Keystone XL, as Senate supporters of the controversial pipeline tried to round up sufficient votes to override U.S. President Barack Obama’s threatened veto of any Congressional attempt to force approval of the project to ship Alberta oil sands crude to the Texas Gulf coast."

Source: Toronto Globe & Mail, 01/15/2015

"Two Climate Denying Senators Will Now Supervise the Nation's Climate Science"

"So, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) was just named to be the chairman of the Subcommittee on Space, Science, and Competitiveness as Republicans take over the Senate. This subcommittee (which used to be just Space and Science but was recently renamed) is in charge of oversight of, among other things, NASA."

Source: Mother Jones, 01/14/2015


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