
All forms of advocacy, esp. environmental groups.

April 13, 2016

Sensor Reporting for the Environment Workshop

John Keefe, senior editor for Data News & Journalism Technology at WNYC, is your guide for this hands-on, 3-hour evening workshop at the CUNY Graduate School of Journalism on how we can use sensors to gather data — on air and water quality, soil pollution, temperatures and more- for engaging environmental stories. Discount for SEJ members.


Exxon Opposes Request to Take Moral Responsibility for Climate Change

"Oil giant ExxonMobil moved to reject a shareholder proposal calling for the company to assert moral leadership on climate change and pledge to work toward limiting global warming to 2 degrees Celsius or less."

Source: InsideClimate News, 02/05/2016

"3 More Arrests in Oregon as Protest Leader Says ‘Go Home’"

"The armed occupation of a wildlife refuge in eastern Oregon, which flashed into violent confrontation with law enforcement on Tuesday when eight members of the group were arrested and one was killed, appeared to be unraveling on Wednesday night when the jailed leader of the siege advised his followers to go home."

Source: NY Times, 01/28/2016


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