
"Bees Facing a Poisoned Spring"

"A new generation of pesticides is making honeybees far more susceptible to disease, even at tiny doses, and may be a clue to the mysterious colony collapse disorder that has devastated bees across the world, the US government's leading bee researcher has found. Yet the discovery has remained unpublished for nearly two years since it was made by the US Department of Agriculture's Bee Research Laboratory."

Source: UK Independent, 01/20/2011

Swallow, Swift And House Martin Populations Have Nearly Halved: UK Survey

"Swallows, swifts and house martins were once a common sight over UK towns and cities, dextrously catching insects on the wing. But these spring and summer visitors are becoming increasingly rare, according to the definitive survey of the country’s birds."

Source: Guardian, 05/17/2024

"More Than Half Of Zimbabwean Population Will Need Food Aid, Cabinet Says"

"More than half of Zimbabwe's population will need food aid this year following a devastating drought that led to widespread crop failure as humanitarian organisations seek funding to save many from hunger, the country's cabinet heard late on Tuesday."

Source: Reuters, 05/16/2024

USDA Rubber-Stamped Tyson’s “Climate Friendly” Beef; No One Has Seen the Data

"As millions of taxpayer dollars flow to livestock companies claiming to raise “low carbon” beef, watchdog groups scrutinize the government’s oversight."

Source: Inside Climate News, 05/09/2024

"DDT Found In Deep-Sea Fish Raises Troubling Concerns For Food Web"

"For several years now, one question has held the key to understanding just how much we should worry about the hundreds of tons of DDT that had been dumped off the coast of Los Angeles." "Now, in a highly anticipated study, researchers have identified tiny zooplankton and mid-to-deep-water fish as potential links between the contaminated sediment and the greater ecosystem."

Source: LA Times, 05/07/2024


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