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"Chemicals Can Turn Genes On and Off; New Tests Needed, Scientists Say"

"A National Academies workshop examined the evidence of epigenetic effects and considered whether the thousands of chemicals in use today should be tested for them. Some pollutants and chemicals don't kill cells or mutate DNA. Instead, they may be more subtle, muting genes or turning them on at the wrong time, which can lead to diseases that are passed on for generations. Asthma in New York City children exposed to traffic exhaust is an example, experts say."
Source: EHN, 08/03/2009

"'Dead Zone' Smaller But More Severe: NOAA"

"The 'dead zone' in the Gulf of Mexico, an area choked by low oxygen levels that threatens marine life, is smaller than expected this year but more deadly, the government said on Monday."
Source: Reuters, 07/28/2009

"IV Tube Chemical Linked To Preemie Liver Woes"

"A chemical [DEHP] used in many plastic products and already under scrutiny for potential health risks is suspected of raising the risk of liver problems in premature babies, according to a new study."
Source: AP, 07/28/2009
