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"Fracking Boom Tied To Methane Spike In Earth’s Atmosphere"

"Scientists have measured big increases in the amount of methane, the powerful global warming gas, entering the atmosphere over the last decade. Cows or wetlands have been fingered as possible sources, but new research points to methane emissions from fossil fuel production—mainly from shale gas operations in the United States and Canada—as the culprit."

Source: National Geographic, 08/16/2019

Records: Upper Peninsula Mine Approved Despite Major Concerns

"Over and over, Michigan environmental regulators sounded alarms as they reviewed a proposed large, open-pit ore mine in the Upper Peninsula near the Menominee River, prized for walleye fishing and a major tributary to Lake Michigan. ... Then the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and then-Michigan Department of Environmental Quality approved the mine anyway."

Source: Detroit Free Press, 08/14/2019

"Beavers Work Hard For River Ecosystems"

"Development and climate change are top threats to wildlife habitat and biodiversity, and in the arid west, water supply is a consistent concern for all kinds of life. But ecologists see a simple, natural way for ecosystems to be more resilient: beavers."

Source: Aspen Public Radio, 07/25/2019

"Clean Water Act: Confusion Reigns At WOTUS Hearing"

"Senators at a Clean Water Act hearing expressed interest in reopening the law to clarify which wetlands and waterways it protects. But that effort would likely be stymied by the fact that participants in the Environment and Public Works Committee hearing, including ranking member Tom Carper (D-Del.), expressed confusion over basic concepts of Clean Water Act jurisdiction."

Source: E&E Daily, 06/14/2019
