- "Stymied by a Federal Health Communications Pause, Journalists Worry About What Comes Next ," Poynter, January 30, 2025, by Angela Fu. Includes comments by Tim Wheeler, chair of the Society of Environmental Journalists’ Freedom of Information Task Force .
- "MacArthur Announces More Than $6 Million in Support of Climate Journalism ," Editor & Publisher, January 28, 2025. "Society of Environmental Journalists will receive $500,000 to support its general operations, including work as the only North American association of professional journalists dedicated to strengthening the quality, reach, and visibility of journalism about climate and environmental issues that advance public understanding."
- "'We're All Climate Reporters' ," National Press Foundation, October 10, 2024, by Samantha Hooley.
- "Association Profile: Society of Environmental Journalists ," Editor & Publisher, July 1, 2024, by Bob Miller.
- "The Local Journalism Crisis Is Bad News for the Planet ," Audubon Magazine, Summer 2024.
- "Regan To Speak at Environmental Journalists Conference ," E&E News, January 2, 2024, by Kevin Bogardus.
- "Science Writing News Roundup #151 ," June 2, 2023, by Marianna Limas. Links out to "TipSheet: Heat Warning — Expect Extreme Temps To Be Local Story This Summer ," SEJournal, May 31, 2023, by Joseph A. Davis.
- "A Proposal for an “Environmental Sports Journalism” (ESJ) Approach: Principles and Illustrative Examples From Coverage of the Rio 2016 and PyeongChang 2018 Olympic and Paralympic Games ," Sociology of Sport Journal, April 14, 2023, by Brian Wilson and Liv Yoon. See paragraph: According to the Society of Environmental Journalists (2019 ) — an association of professional journalists dedicated to more and better coverage of environment-related issues — EJ refers to "credible [i.e., convincing and compelling] and robust [i.e., rigorous and well-researched] journalism that informs and engages society on environmental issues."
- "The Society of Environmental Journalists Conference Returns to Boise ," Boise State Public Radio, April 6, 2023. Samantha Wright interviews SEJ Executive Director Meaghan Parker.
- "Tips From the Society of Environmental Journalists for Tracking Hazardous-Materials Shipments Along Rail Lines ," The Rural Blog/Institute for Rural Journalism and Community Issues, March 16, 2023.
- "Q&A: Maine Public Hits the Road To Tell Climate Stories From Every County ," Columbia Journalism Review, February 16, 2023, by Covering Climate Now. Interviewee Susan Sharon: "After that, in 2021, I happened to be judging entries for the Society of Environmental Journalists Awards, and I came across the CNN special "The Road to Change: America’s Climate Crisis " with Bill Weir. I found it totally riveting. It was this great road trip around America. It had characters; it had a sense of urgency. It made you feel energized—you could really feel the need to act. I thought, 'Wow, maybe this road trip approach to climate is what we should do in Maine.'"
- "How Is Philanthropy Backing Science Journalism? " Inside Philanthropy, August 30, 2022, by Paul Karon, mentions SEJ's Fund for Environmental Journalism in its list of topic-specific funded journalism.
- "Understanding Climate Change Isn't Just Good for the World — It's Also Good for Your Career and Business ," Entrepreneur Media Inc., July 12, 2022, by Barbara Petitt. "When you're ready for a deeper look at the nuts and bolts, try Environmental Finance, ESG Today or the Society of Environmental Journalists. They cover all aspects of ESG, from science to regulatory changes to green business developments. This is your chance to gather rounded expertise that's adaptable to any situation."
- "Is Climate Journalism Experiencing Its Own Great Resignation? " Outside/In, a New Hampshire Public Radio podcast, features SEJ Executive Director Meaghan Parker speaking with producer/reporter Justine Paradis.
- "Dom Phillips' Alleged Murder Highlights Dangers of Environmental Journalism ," NBC News, June 19, 2022, by Eric Freedman, director of the Knight Center for Environmental Journalism at Michigan State University (with quotes from SEJ executive director Meaghan Parker).
- "For Online News Association, the Thorny Ethics of Partnering With 3M ," Undark, May 23, 2022, for which Teresa Carr interviewed SEJ Executive Director Meaghan Parker. Also published in NiemanLab .
- "America's Endangered Rivers: Is One Near You? " (scroll down 2/3 of the page), Poynter, on May 17, 2022, partially reprints and links to SEJournal's April 27, 2022 TipSheet "There Are a Lot More Than 10 Endangered Rivers. Is One Near You? "
- "It's Time for Journalists To Talk Climate Change Solutions ," Nieman Reports, March 30, 2022, by John D. Sutter.
"Reporting on the Climate Crisis | Nonprofit Report ," mOppenheim.TV, January 19, 2022. Mark Oppenheim leads a discussion about environmental journalism, with SEJ Executive Director Meaghan Parker and Benjamin Strauss, CEO & Chief Scientist of Climate Central. Watch on YouTube .
- "'Night and Day': The Biden Administration and the Press ," Committee to Protect Journalists, Jan 13, 2022.
- "Problems Run Deep When Trying To Clean Up Baltimore's Harbor ," Baltimore Fishbowl, October 20, 2021, by Taneen Momeni and James Hartner.
- "Attack on Romanian Film Crew Reveals Dangers of Environmental Beat ," Voices of America (VOA), October 8, 2021, by Carmela Caruso.
- "Banned: Say Goodbye to Takeout in Styrofoam Food Containers in New York ," WYRK Buffalo, September 29, 2021, by Yasmin Young.
- "Fighting the "PIO Chokepoints" That Limit Media Access to Government Sources ," Editor & Publisher Magazine, September 29, 2021.
- "Judge affirms media rights to cover forest blockades injunction coverage ," Vancouver Is Awesome, July 21, 2021.
- "Biden, LOE and Dykstra ," Living on Earth, week of April 30, 2021. Steve Curwood interviews EHN editor Peter Dykstra.
- Politico's Morning Energy, April 27, 2021 , Around the Agencies section: "Jonathan Pershing, Kerry's climate and foreign policy adviser, told attendees of a [April 26, 2021] Society of Environmental Journalists panel discussion that it helps that the U.S. is still on a trajectory to meet its 2020 and 2025 targets despite the Trump administration's reversals over the last four years."
- "Strong US infrastructure bill needed to move climate goals forward: experts ," S&P Global, April 26, 2021, by Jared Anderson.
- "There is no global conspiracy against Alberta ," The Narwhal, January 28, 2021, by Narwhal editor-in-chief Emma Gilchrist.
- "Editorial: Time to restore transparency in government ," Albany Democrat-Herald, January 26, 2021.
- "Is struggling press self-censoring? " Boston University News Service, January 26, 2021, by Jesse Remedios.
- "Moving forward after four years of fights and falsehoods ," Environmental Health News, January 12, 2021, by Brian Bienkowski.
- "2020 Really Sucked. What’s Up Next? I Don’t Know. " Great Lakes Now, December 31, 2020, by James Proffitt.
- "What could possibly go right?: Kathleen Dean Moore ," Resilience.org, December 15, 2020.
- "Montgomery County Environmental Services organizes Styrofoam recycling event ," WHIO Radio Ohio, December 14, 2020. (See SEJ backgrounder, "Styrofoam Facts — Why You May Want To Bring Your Own Cup ," April 10, 2019.)
- "How Environmental Journalism Is Surviving — and Thriving — in an Unstable World ," Knight Science Journalism at MIT, November 20, 2020, by Anna Blaustein.
- Crain NewsPro, October 2020 (PDF; starting on page 20). Includes articles on SEJ's first-ever virtual conference in Sep 2020; SEJ's 30th anniversary; and 2020 awards winners.
- "The risky business of environmental journalism ," European Journalism Observatory, October 1, 2020, by Alberto Silini.
- "The Authoritarian War on Environmental Journalism ," The Century Foundation, July 7, 2020, by Peter Schwartzstein.
- "Falling Short ," Columbia Journalism Review, Spring 2020, by Akintunde Ahmad, Lauren Harris and Savannah Jacobson.
- "Climate experts look to COVID-19 as a model for crisis coverage ," USC Annenberg Media, April 7, 2020, by Hayley Smith.
- "COVID-19 'will come to Cadillac' ," Cadillac News, Mar 12, 2020, by Karen Hopper Usher.
- "30 years of being (almost always) right ," Environmental Health News, February 15, 2020, by Peter Dykstra.
- "Beyond the Headlines ," Living on Earth, Week of February 7, 2020, by Environmental Health News editor Peter Dykstra and LoE host Bobby Bascomb.
- "End of the decade: Triumphant growth in covering climate change ," The DePaulia, December 28, 2019, by Lauren Paris.
- "Fox, ABC Among New Members of Press Freedom Campaign ," Multichannel News, December 13, 2019, by John Eggerton.
- "The Flood Watcher ," Columbia Journalism Review, November 7, 2019, by Lucy Schiller.
- "A journey toward sustainable life begins with recognizing 1.5 degrees ," The Daily of the University of Washington, September 30, 2019, Suhani Dalal.
- "The O.G.’s of E.J. ,"Environmental Health News, September 22, 2019, by Peter Dykstra.
- "Newark, ‘the next Flint,’ and water-crisis coverage ," Columbia Journalism Review, September 12, 2019, by Zainab Sultan.
- "NOTEBOOK: Grassley blasts EPA for new secrecy move ," Business Record, July 23, 2019, by Perry Beeman.
- "The power of serial dramas: Popular characters help change attitudes and behaviors ," New Security Beat (blog), Environmental Change and Security Program, Wilson, Center, July 23, 2019, by Mckenna Coffey.
- "Bipartisan senators fight 'political considerations' in EPA's new FOIA rule ," The Hill, July 22, 2019, by Rebecca Beitsch.
- "Access to scientists shrinks. Congress may change that ," E&E News, July 18, 2019, by Niina H. Farah.
- "Critical thinking: How can the media improve its coverage of climate change? " Editor & Publisher, July 12, 2019, by Evelyn Mateos.
- "The environment for reporters covering EPA just got a lot more toxic ," The Washington Post, July 12, 2019, by Paul Farhi.
- "When does climate change become climate crisis? " Minnesota Public Radio, July 11, 2019, by Paul Huttner , Kelly Gordon.
- "Press, green groups urge delay for FOIA regs ," Greenwire, July 10, 2019, by (subscription required).
- "Pressure mounts against EPA's new FOIA rule ," The Hill, July 10, 2019, by Miranda Green.
- "Mines' dirty secrets echo in 3 continents ," Rappler, June 21, 2019, by Marion Guégan and Cécile Schilis-Gallego (scroll down to second story on the page, TANZANIA section). Part of the Green Blood series .
- "Environmental journalists know the value of a climate debate ," Columbia Journalism Review, June 14, 2019, by Jason Plautz.
- "Missoulian names Szpaller, Bauer as city editor and photo editor ," Missoulian, June 11, 2019, by Missoulian staff.
- "Everyone knows headlines are broken. Here's how news organizations can start fixing them. " Media Matters for America, May 31, 2019, by Beth Cope and Parker Molloy.
- "Missoulian editor Best to head investigative news program in Maryland ," KPVI News 6 (Pocatello, ID), April 8, 2019, by Rob Chaney.
- "Shrinking newspapers and the costs of environmental reporting in coal country ," The New Yorker, March 26, 2019, by Charles Bethea. See also "The New Yorker covers media woes in coal country, interviews SEJer Bruggers ."
- "Wheeler on climate: 'I don't see it as the existential threat' " E&E News/Greenwire, March 5, 2019, by Maxine Joselow.
- "Post-shutdown, an ocean of outrage greets Interior's proposed FOIA changes " ThinkProgress, January 30, 2019, by E.A. Crunden.
- "Will Dallas Morning News layoffs imperil key beats? " Columbia Journalism Review, January 25, 2019, by Emily Goldstein.
- "Challenges in the teaching of environmental journalism ," North American Association for Environmental Education (research summary), 2018. Study , Applied Environmental Education & Communication, Volume 17, 2018 - Issue 4 , November 17, 2018.