Hawaii Has A One-Year Deadline To Ditch Coal. Can It Keep Lights On? [1]
"The Aloha State’s race to clean up its electricity sector makes it a real-world test case for rapid decarbonization."
"The Aloha State’s race to clean up its electricity sector makes it a real-world test case for rapid decarbonization."
"Hot off the heels of releasing its PFAS road map last week, EPA has found that a deeply controversial “forever chemical” that has contaminated drinking water in North Carolina is, indeed, toxic to humans and will be subject to a drinking water advisory."
"Corporate adaptation measures, carbon offset policy and new U.S. regulatory responses are among the top issues attorneys say they’re tracking at the upcoming United Nations climate talks.
The trajectory of the climate crisis is at stake in Glasgow, where more than 197 countries will gather starting Oct. 31 for the two-week COP26 summit. There, they’ll ratchet up their commitments to cutting greenhouse gas emissions under the 2015 Paris climate agreement and tie up its loose technical threads.
"Lax oversight has allowed oil and gas developers to dump billions of barrels of toxic wastewater into the ground, endangering the San Joaquin Valley’s dwindling groundwater supplies".
"New research shows that methane emissions in the Boston area were six times higher than previously estimated. That could make the greenhouse effect of natural gas “equivalent to coal.”"
"Senator Joe Manchin III of West Virginia has pushed Democrats to drop or weaken a second major climate change provision from the sweeping social policy and environmental spending bill that the White House hopes to finalize this week, according to two people familiar with the matter."
"Levels of climate-heating gases in the atmosphere hit record levels in 2020, despite coronavirus-related lockdowns, the UN’s World Meteorological Organization has announced."
"A target for rich countries to provide poor nations with $100 billion in aid each year to tackle global warming will be missed, dealing a blow to the upcoming U.N. climate talks in Glasgow."
Beat reporters Hal Bernton and Mark Kaufman both found the dramatic changes wrought by climate change to be at the center of their coverage — as their work was elevated to prize-winning heights. Bernton, covering climate impacts in northwestern Alaska at a large newspaper, and Kaufman, covering CO2 globally for a digital platform, talk about the lessons of their recent beat coverage with SEJournal’s Inside Story.
Plastic waste, already the subject of preliminary international talks, could be increasingly targeted after UN meetings in early 2022. Meanwhile, this ubiquitous product is polluting land, ocean and air in its various forms, as well as through little-understood microplastic particles. The latest TipSheet has the backstory on efforts to forge an international plastics treaty, as well as ideas for how to cover plastic pollution locally.
[1] https://www.sej.org/headlines/hawaii-has-one-year-deadline-ditch-coal-can-it-keep-lights
[2] https://www.canarymedia.com/articles/clean-energy/hawaii-has-a-one-year-deadline-to-ditch-coal
[3] https://www.sej.org/headlines/genx-epa-deems-forever-chemical-haunting-nc-toxic-humans
[4] https://www.eenews.net/articles/epa-deems-forever-chemical-haunting-n-c-toxic-to-humans/
[5] https://www.sej.org/headlines/attorneys-eye-glasgow-talks-progress-many-climate-issues
[6] https://bnanews.bna.com/environment-and-energy/attorneys-eye-glasgow-talks-for-progress-on-many-climate-issues
[7] https://www.sej.org/headlines/unchecked-oil-and-gas-wastewater-threatens-california-groundwater
[8] https://insideclimatenews.org/news/24102021/california-oil-wastewater-produced-water-drought-groundwater-contamination/
[9] https://www.sej.org/headlines/natural-gas-leaks-boston-vastly-underreported-could-be-inside-homes
[10] https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/2021/10/25/methane-leaks-natural-gas-boston/
[11] https://www.sej.org/headlines/manchin-pushes-more-climate-cuts-budget-bill
[12] https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/25/us/politics/manchin-climate-budget.html
[13] https://www.sej.org/headlines/greenhouse-gas-levels-hit-new-record-despite-lockdowns-un-reports
[14] https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/oct/25/climate-crisis-greenhouse-gas-levels-hit-new-record-un-reports
[15] https://www.sej.org/headlines/world-set-miss-goal-100b-climate-aid-pledged-poor
[16] https://apnews.com/article/business-europe-environment-and-nature-glasgow-5f91c49aa476eb0cc0f3b7aa3f9c543b
[17] https://www.sej.org/publications/inside-story/climate-change-core-beat-reporters-award-winning-coverage
[18] https://www.sej.org/publications/tipsheet/will-2022-see-start-formal-negotiations-toward-global-plastics-treaty
[19] https://www.sej.org/search_results
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