"Snyder: Office Will Release Staff Emails On Flint Water" [1]
"Gov. Rick Snyder said Monday his office will release thousands of pages of emails his staff sent or received related to Flint’s water supply switch and subsequent contamination dating back to 2011.
Snyder said the release of his office’s Flint records would come “relatively soon” after state lawyers remove any documents that would normally be exempt under the Michigan Freedom of Information Act, which doesn’t apply to the governor’s office.
“You’re talking thousands and thousands of emails, so I want to make sure they do it carefully and thoughtfully,” Snyder told The Detroit News Editorial Board."
Chad Livengood reports for the Detroit News February 22, 2016. [2]
"Michigan Governor Accused Of Withholding Documents Related To Flint Water Crisis From Congress" (Think Progress) [3]