Rep. Joe Barton Apologizes to BP [1]
Rep. Joe Barton (R-TX) turned a hearing with BP CEO Tony Hayward on its head Thursday by apologizing to BP for what he called a "$20 billion shakedown." Democrats made political hay. Republicans scrambled to distance themselves. Under threat from GOP leaders of losing his job as top House Energy Republican, Barton returned to the hearing to apologize for apologizing. It later emerged that Barton's "shakedown" talking point had been crafted by the Republican Study Committee, a conservative faction that includes 115 of the 178 GOP House members. Barton got more than $100,000 in campaign contributions from the oil industry during this election cycle -- and his top single corporate contributor is Anadarko, which is a 25% stakeholder in the gushing Macondo well. Hayward, while apologetic himself, dodged the panel's questions.
Brian Montpoli reports for CBS News' Political Hotsheet June 17, 2010. [2]
"Under GOP Pressure, Barton Retracts Statements on BP" (McClatchy) [3]
"That Sound You Hear Is Joe Barton Getting Tossed Under a Bus" (Swampland blog/TIME)
"Barton Retracts Apology to BP" (Dallas News) [5]
"Republicans Have Another Mess To Clean Up" (Dallas News)
"Gulf Oil Spill Puts Industry-Friendly Republicans in Tight Spot" (Washington Post) [7]
"Top Corporate Donor to Barton Is Partner of BP on Deepwater Horizon" (FiveThirtyEight) [8]
"John Boehner Rejects Barton Comments" (Politico) [9]
"Barton's BP Apology: Revealing What the GOP Really Thinks" (Deep Background/Politics Daily) [10]
"Even After BP Oil Spill, Fundraising Events Were Hopping" (Washington Post)
"GOP Outraged By 'Shakedown' BP Escrow Account, Apologizes To CEO" (Huffington Post) [12]
"Apologies and Anger Dominate Gulf Oil-Spill Hearing as BP Goes Before Congress" (Washington Post) [13]
"Republican Backpedals From Apology to BP" (New York Times) [14]
Analysis: "Obama’s Twist of BP’s Arm Stirs Debate on Frequent Tactic" (New York Times) [15]