"Fees and Anger Rise in California Water War" [1]
"SAN DIEGO — There are accusations of conspiracies, illegal secret meetings and double-dealing. Embarrassing documents and e-mails have been posted on an official Web site emblazoned with the words 'Fact vs. Fiction.' Animosities have grown so deep that the players have resorted to exchanging lengthy, caustic letters, packed with charges of lying and distortion. And it is all about water."
"Water is a perennial source of conflict and anxiety throughout the arid West, but it has a particular resonance here in the deserts of Southern California. This is a place where major thoroughfares are named after water engineers (Mulholland Drive in Los Angeles) and literary essays ('Holy Water' by Joan Didion, for instance) and films ('Chinatown') have been devoted to its power and mystique."
Adam Nagourney and Felicity Barringer report for the New York Times April 23, 2012. [2]