
Capturing the Invisible — Photographing Extreme Heat Waves

If extreme heat seems an unusual subject for December, the new EJ InSight column reminds us that among the natural disasters sweeping 2023 were waves of devastating global highs. Yet telling that story visually is an enormous challenge, acknowledges former LA Times photo editor Silvia Rázgová, who shares insights into how to portray the seriousness of extreme heat, getting beyond the cliches and connecting (safely) with its dangerous reality.

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"Earth On Verge Of 5 Catastrophic Climate Tipping Points, Scientists Warn"

"Humanity faces ‘devastating domino effects’ including mass displacement and financial ruin as planet warms".

"Many of the gravest threats to humanity are drawing closer, as carbon pollution heats the planet to ever more dangerous levels, scientists have warned.

Five important natural thresholds already risk being crossed, according to the Global Tipping Points report, and three more may be reached in the 2030s if the world heats 1.5C (2.7F) above pre-industrial temperatures.

Source: Guardian, 12/08/2023

"Next Thanksgiving, Smokey Bear Should Talk About Climate Change"

"Call me basic, but I love waking up on Thanksgiving morning and watching the Macy’s parade. Without fail, I’m enthralled by the pageantry and comforted by the tradition: the floats, the crowds, the Broadway dance numbers. Santa Claus. The last few years, though, one element has bothered me."

Source: LA Times, 12/01/2023

Pro-Iran Group Claims To Have Hacked Water Authority In Pennsylvania

"Federal officials are investigating after a pro-Iran hacking group claimed to have committed a cyberattack at a water authority in Pennsylvania, according to a state congressman and water authority officials."

Source: CNN, 11/29/2023

Between the Lines — Author Explores Experience of Living Through Climate Change

To make climate change less abstract and more direct, writer Madeline Ostrander traveled the country to speak to those living with its impacts in the places they call home. In a BookShelf “Between the Lines” Q&A, Ostrander discusses her resulting book, “At Home on an Unruly Planet: Finding Refuge on a Changed Earth,” and addresses the lenses she used, the characters she portrayed and the surprises she encountered.

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