Climate Change

EPA Hearing: "Can Louisiana Properly Regulate Carbon Capture Wells?

"Louisiana’s ability to regulate carbon capture injection wells went before the court of public opinion Wednesday as proponents and critics of the burgeoning industry sparred at the first day of a three-day public comment marathon on the state’s bid to wrest control of the wells from the federal government."

Source: New Orleans Times-Picayune, 06/23/2023

"Meteorologist Who Was Threatened Over Climate Coverage to Leave Job"

"The chief meteorologist of a television news station in Iowa said this week that he was leaving his job to start a career in science, citing in large part the post-traumatic stress disorder that he said he had suffered after he was threatened last year over his on-air coverage of climate change."

Source: NYTimes, 06/23/2023

"Ford Gets $9.2 Billion to Help US Catch Up With China’s EV Dominance"

"A deep-pocketed US government program designed to finance futuristic energy businesses is issuing a conditional $9.2 billion loan to Ford Motor Co. for the construction of three battery factories." "It’s one of the biggest loans to a US carmaker in more than a decade – and a watershed moment in Biden’s $400 billion plan to go all in on green technologies."

Source: Bloomberg Green, 06/23/2023

Ambitious Saudi Plans To Ramp Up Hajj Face Challenges From Climate Change

"Saudi Arabia has ambitious plans to welcome millions more pilgrims to Islam’s holiest sites. But as climate change heats up an already scorching region, the annual Hajj pilgrimage — much of which takes place outdoors in the desert — could prove even more daunting."

Source: AP, 06/22/2023

In ‘Cancer Alley,’ Carbon Capture Push Draws Fire From Environmentalists

"EPA proposes handing regulation of carbon storage to state officials in Louisiana. Activists fear the risks, and the chance it could perpetuate the fossil fuel industry."

Source: Washington Post, 06/22/2023

Lenders Continue Pouring Money Into Meat and Dairy, Despite Climate Promises

"The world’s biggest development banks have agreed that they will funnel their financial support to businesses that promise to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. But a new analysis published Wednesday by animal and environmental advocacy groups says those banks have given billions to big livestock and grain companies expanding greenhouse gas-intensive agricultural systems."

Source: Inside Climate News, 06/22/2023


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