Great Lakes (IL IN MI MN OH WI)

Revealed: Water Company And City Officials Knew About Flint Poison Risk

"Executives at one of the world’s largest utilities companies knew that families in Flint, Michigan, might be at risk of being poisoned by lead in their tap water months before the city publicly admitted the problem, according to internal company emails."

Source: Guardian, 12/12/2019

Delving Into Drones

Veteran National Geographic photojournalist Peter Essick offers practical advice on learning to fly your own drone. Plus, he shares insights and photos from his most recent drone project, capturing the restoration of the Great Lakes, and explains why he sees the combination of drone photography and environmental journalism as a match made in heaven.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Drones and Photojournalism — Elevating the Craft to New Heights

A match made in heaven — that’s how veteran National Geographic photojournalist Peter Essick sees the combination of drone photography and environmental journalism. In the latest EJ InSight, Essick shares insights and photos from his most recent drone project, capturing the restoration of the Great Lakes. Plus, in a sidebar, Essick gives practical advice on learning to fly your own drone.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"‘Polluter Panel’ Hits Pause On Michigan PFAS Drinking Water Rules"

"Business and industry representatives appointed to a controversial regulatory oversight board by former Republican Gov. Rick Snyder helped temporarily slow down advancing drinking water standards that would limit allowable levels of toxic fluorochemicals called PFAS in Michigan drinking water if enacted."

Source: Grand Rapids Press, 11/04/2019

Court: State Law That Allows Line 5 Tunnel Construction Is Constitutional

"LANSING – Legislation approved under former Gov. Rick Snyder to allow for construction of a tunnel to house a new Enbridge Line 5 crude oil pipeline under the Straits of Mackinac is constitutional, the Court of Claims ruled Thursday."

Source: Detroit Free Press, 11/01/2019

News Can Net Eyeballs By Turning Dweebish Data Into Magic Maps

When it comes to telling environment and energy stories, especially about place and scale, data visualizations can turn an average story into a standout. Reporter’s Toolbox takes a look at some recent examples of inspiring data-mapping projects that provide insight into everything from auto emissions and floods to vanishing rivers and whipping winds.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Another Bad-News Year Ahead for U.S. Coal?

As U.S. coal’s comedown continues, our latest Issue Backgrounder takes a close look at the factors behind the industry’s decline and finds a combination of economics, competition and shifting global markets, along with aging technology, politics and environmental pushback. What’s in store for coal in 2020?

SEJ Publication Types: 

"PolyMet Opponents Ask Appeals Court To Overturn Mine Permits"

"Opponents of the proposed PolyMet copper-nickel mine urged the Minnesota Court of Appeals on Wednesday to cancel two of the project’s most important permits and order further proceedings to determine whether the mine’s environmental and financial safeguards are adequate."

Source: AP, 10/24/2019

Trump Admin Was Against Funding Great Lakes Program Before It Was For It

"The Environmental Protection Agency on Tuesday rolled out a five-year plan for funding a popular program for restoring the Great Lakes, even though in the not-so-distant past the Trump administration tried to ax the environmental initiative almost entirely."

Source: Washington Post, 10/24/2019


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