Southwest (AZ NM OK TX)

"Accident at DuPont Puts Plant in Spotlight"

"DuPont Co. ’s chemical plant in La Porte, Texas, for many years has gained a strong reputation among industrial-safety experts for migrating to safer chemicals. ... So when a gas leak at the plant earlier this month caused four employees—two of them brothers—to be fatally overcome by an industrial chemical called methyl mercaptan, some in the chemical safety world were taken aback."

Source: Wall St. Journal, 11/24/2014
October 7, 2015 to October 11, 2015

SEJ's 25th Annual Conference, in Norman, OK

SEJ’s Oklahoma conference will take you to renowned centers of research and operations in severe weather, oil exploration, climate and water conservation. You’ll enjoy a state with nearly a dozen ecoregions, from rolling hills to vast plains, from prairies to forested valleys.

Host and sponsor: The University of Oklahoma


"With Huge Damages at Stake, Trial Over Waste Pits To Begin"

"A half-century ago, the owner and operator of a Pasadena paper mill sent its waste for burial to a site along the San Jacinto River. The black bisque of cancer-causing chemicals eventually leaked from the pits, turning these murky waters into one of the nation's most polluted places."

Source: Houston Chronicle, 10/06/2014

SEJ's 25th Annual Conference, Norman, OK, Oct. 7-11, 2015

SEJ's 2015 conference was hosted in the land of weather, water and energy by the University of Oklahoma. Find coverage here. The agenda included video and graphics training, tours and sessions on fracking & quakes, climate change & extreme weather, water rights & fights, Native Americans & diversity, ag & soil health, and more.



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