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DC SEJ Happy Hour

SEJ DC-area members who met at this year's SEJ conference in Philadelphia are planning an environmental journalist happy hour. Non-SEJ environmental journalist friends are also welcome. The gathering is at 4:00 p.m. at the Midlands Beer Garden in Petworth/Columbia Heights. 

Unsung (Climate) Hero: The Business Case for Curbing Methane

This Project Drawdown webinar will explore the business case for methane reduction, which would require humans to invest billions, change policies, transform practices and change personal consumption. But doing so could return far more in both climate and financial gains. 1:00 p.m. ET.

DEADLINE: LaunchPad Fellowship for NextGen Journalists

This nine-month Renaissance Journalism fellowship is designed for early-career journalists from all media platforms who have the skills, expertise and desire to tackle an ambitious in-depth reporting/storytelling project on a critical social justice issue facing the U.S. $5,000 stipend and mentorship. Apply by Jul 12, 2024.

Newsom Calls Trump Bid For $1 Billion From Oil Industry ‘Open Corruption’

"California Governor Gavin Newsom called former President Donald Trump's request for $1 billion from the oil industry to support his reelection campaign "open corruption." Newsom, a Democrat, made the accusation in a speech Thursday at the Vatican Climate Summit, where he addressed other governors, mayors and civic and faith leaders from around the world."

Source: Courthouse News, 05/17/2024
